Thursday, August 29, 2024



Verbs Referring to Actions

Verbs referring to action (action verbs) are those that involve the movement of one’s body in one way or the other. Some examples of verbs referring to actions are as follows:

  • Walk
  • Run
  • Talk
  • Sit
  • Read
  • Write
  • Jog
  • Cough
  • Sleep
  • Jump
  • Sing
  • Drink
  • Teach
  • Present
  • Build
  • Break
  • Tow
  • Toss
  • Hug
  • Fight

Verbs Referring to Experiences or Feelings

These are verbs that refer to something that you can feel or experience and do not necessarily involve a movement of any kind. Some examples of verbs referring to feelings and experiences are as follows:

  • Love
  • Hate
  • Envy
  • Believe
  • Trust
  • Feel
  • Entrust
  • Experience
  • Care
  • Cherish
  • Sense
  • Know
  • Recognise
  • Understand
  • Comprehend
  • Like
  • Need
  • Adore
  • Loathe
  • Appreciate

Verbs Referring to a State or Condition

These verbs are those that refer to situations or the state of being. All forms of ‘to be’ verbs belong to this category. Some examples of verbs referring to a state or condition are as follows:

  • Am
  • Is
  • Are
  • Was
  • Were
  • Have
  • Has
  • Will be
  • Appear
  • Seem
  • Become
  • Been
  • Being

The Various Types of Verbs with Examples

Verbs can be classified into numerous types according to their function or role in a sentence or context. Let us look into the various types of verbs and some examples of each type of verb.

Auxiliary Verbs/Helping Verbs

Auxiliary verbs or helping verbs, as the name suggests, is a verb that is used to help another verb sound sensible and meaningful. It is used to change the other verb’s tense, mood or voice. So, every time an auxiliary verb is used, you always have one more verb, which acts as the main verb in a sentence.

Examples of auxiliary verbs are as follows:

  • Am
  • Is
  • Are
  • Was
  • Were
  • Have
  • Has
  • Do
  • Will
  • Can

One point you have to take care of when you use auxiliary verbs is that you should conjugate the auxiliary verb correctly according to the tense form of a sentence. Another specific fact about auxiliary verbs is that they can also be used as a main verb. Also, there are verbs called modal verbs that can be used as a helping verb.

Modal Verbs

Modal verbs are those verbs that are used to denote the possibility, probability, capability or necessity of something happening. Modal verbs, unlike other auxiliary verbs, cannot be used as a main verb in a sentence.

Examples of modal verbs are as follows:

  • Can
  • Could
  • Will
  • Would
  • May
  • Might
  • Should
  • Must
  • Ought to

Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs include phrases that are formed by combining two or more parts of speech that performs the same function as a verb in a sentence. In most cases, a phrasal verb results from a combination of a verb and a preposition.

Some examples of phrasal verbs are as follows:

  • Go by
  • Lay off
  • Log in
  • Get off
  • Run out
  • Go all out
  • Think through
  • Fed up
  • Taken aback
  • Act on
  • Back away
  • Back up
  • Look up
  • Mix up
  • Opt out
  • Pop in

Check out the list of phrasal verbs and exercise on phrasal verbs.

Linking Verbs

A linking verb, just like the name suggests, is a type of verb that is used to link the subjects in a sentence to the other parts of the sentence so that it is meaningful. It connects the subject to the object, an adjective and even a prepositional phrase. All ‘to be’ forms of verbs and verbs like ‘seem’ and ‘become’ can act as linking verbs.

Have a look at the following examples to understand how verbs perform the role of a linking verb in sentences.

Example 1: Connecting Nouns to Other Nouns in a Sentence

Danny is my brother.

In the above example, the verb ‘is’ is used to connect the subject ‘Danny’ as the ‘brother’ of the speaker. In this sentence, the words ‘Danny’ and ‘brother’ are used to refer to the same person.

Example 2: Connecting a Noun to a Prepositional Phrase in a Sentence

The children were in the park.

In Example 2, the verb ‘were’ is used to connect the subject ‘the children’ to the prepositional phrase ‘in the park’.

Example 3: Connecting a Noun/Subject to an Adjective

Your presentation of the life cycle of the silkworm was excellent.

In the above example, the verb ‘was’ is used to link the subject ‘Your presentation of the life cycle of a silkworm’ to the adjective ‘excellent’.

Example 4: Connecting the Subject/Noun to the Predicate using Seem/Become

This book on a treasure hunt seems interesting.

In this sentence, the subject ‘This book on a treasure hunt’ is connected to the adjective ‘interesting’ with the linking verb ‘seem’.

The students became bored after two continuous hours of classes and were not ready to take another hour of class without a break in between.

In the above sentence, the subject ‘The students’ has been linked to the rest of the sentence with the linking verb ‘became’.

Different Categories of Verbs

Verbs can be divided into different categories according to their behaviour when used in a context. Let us look at the categories explained below.

Regular Verbs and Irregular Verbs

As you can see, verbs are used to denote actions, and they can be used in different forms to indicate when the subject in a sentence is carrying out an action. A regular verb can be conjugated to show if the action takes place in the past or if the action is taking place continuously.

In most cases, the past form of the verb is formed by adding an ‘ed’ to the root verb for regular verbs. On the other hand, there are other verbs that do not follow this rule. They are called irregular verbs. These verbs have their own unique forms. If you are wondering how to learn these irregular verbs, read the article on irregular verbs to find out how.

Have a look at the examples given below.

  • Dileep searched for his white shirt in his cupboard, but he did not find it. (Root verb – search)
  • Did you find the book you were looking for?

In the above examples, the verb ‘searched’ is the past form of the regular verb ‘search’ by adding an ‘ed’ and the verb form ‘looking’ indicates the continuous form of the regular verb ‘look’ by adding an ‘ing’ to the end of the root verb.

  • Selena read the book on the evolution of life on earth.
  • Vineeth found the keys that went missing yesterday.

In the above examples, the verb ‘read’ stays the same in the past form and when used as a past participle. ‘Found’ is the past form of the root verb ‘find’.

Transitive Verbs and Intransitive Verbs

Transitive and intransitive forms of verbs are used to denote how a verb acts when used with a direct object and an indirect object. Let us look at a few examples.

  • Vincent gave a box of chocolates to his brother. (Indirect object – his brother, Direct object – a box of chocolates)
  • Garry passed the water bottle to Kevin, who was sitting in the first row. (Indirect object – Kevin, Direct object – the water bottle)
  • The little girl ran around the park for two hours.
  • Francey walked to school every day.
  • My mom cleaned the house today. (Direct object – the house)
  • Seena did not like the movie. (Direct object – the movie)

In the above examples, the verbs ‘gave’ and ‘passed’ in the first two sentences are seen to take a direct object and an indirect object, whereas the verbs ‘ran’ and ‘walked’ take no object at all. In the last two sentences, the verbs ‘cleaned’ and ‘did not like’ take a direct object and no indirect object.

Verbs that take a direct object alone are called transitive verbs, and those verbs that do not take either a direct object or an indirect object are called intransitive verbs. There is yet another category of verbs that take both the direct object and the indirect object, and they are called ditransitive verbs.

Verb Forms

A verb is used in different ways to indicate the time in which the subject is performing an action. There are various verb forms that are used to do the same. Let us look at the different verb forms explained below.

Root Verb

The raw or original form of the verb, how it originally exists in the English language, without any inflexions or conjugations, is called the root verb.

Some examples of root verbs are as follows:

  • Eat
  • Sit
  • Stir
  • Type
  • Read
  • Fry
  • Tick
  • Shift
  • Trick
  • Sing

Simple Present – Third Person Singular

The third person singular form of the verb in the present tense is mostly the verb in the singular form. When using the third person singular pronouns such as he, she and it, and the nouns that can be substituted by the third person singular pronouns, the verb is singular (mostly done just by adding an ‘s’ to the root verb) so that it agrees with the subject in the sentence.

For example:

Kenny likes to have mangoes after every meal. (The noun ‘Kenny’ can be substituted with the third person singular pronoun ‘he’)

The cat chases every rat it catches sight of. (The noun ‘The cat’ can be substituted with the third person singular pronoun ‘it’)

She hates going to work on Saturdays and Mondays.

Present Participle

The present participle is used in the continuous form of tenses to indicate an action that is continuing or in progress at that particular moment or sometime in the past or in the future. These words are formed just by adding an ‘ing’ to the root verb. For verbs ending with an ‘e’, in most cases, the present participle is formed by removing the ‘e’ and then adding ‘ing’ to the remaining portion of the verb.

For example:

Jhanvi is watching a movie along with her cousin. (Present Continuous Tense)

My mother is baking cakes (Present Continuous Tense)

All my brothers were playing dodgeball in the evening. (Past Continuous Tense)

Simple Past

There is a change in the spelling of the root verb when it is used to indicate the simple past tense form of the verb. There is no one rule to write a verb in the simple past tense; it changes for each verb – some verbs like ‘give’ and ‘bring’ take a different spelling, and some verbs like ‘cut’ and ‘put’ remain the same when used in the past tense. However, most verbs can be made into the past tense by adding an ‘ed’ at the end of the root verb.

For example:

  • The doctor asked me to take tablets for ten days. (The rook verb here is ‘ask’)
  • Nelson bought the car he checked out last week. (The root verbs here are ‘buy’ and ‘check’)
  • The baby drank the milk completely. (The root verb here is ‘drink’)

Past participle

The past participle form of the verb is used to denote the perfect tense forms in a sentence. In some cases, the past tense and the past participle remain the same, but there are a number of verbs that have different spellings when used as a simple past tense verb and a past participle.

For example:

  • I have searched the entire loft for that box, but I did not find it. (The root verb here is ‘search’, ‘have searched’ is the verb in the sentence that indicates the perfect tense and ‘searched’ is the past participle)
  • Dylan had read the book already.

In the above example, the root verb here is ‘read’, ‘have read’ is the verb in the sentence that indicates the perfect tense and ‘read’ is the past participle. In this case, all forms of the verb take the same spelling but have a different pronunciation.


Any verb can be transformed into a gerund by adding ‘ing’ to the root verb. Gerunds, when it stands by themselves, can be used as nouns. A gerund can be used as a verb when used with an auxiliary verb to indicate an action that is continuing at a particular period of time.

For example:

  • He is eating an apple.
  • Joy will be coming home next week.
  • Walking every day is good exercise.
  • Drinking and driving is dangerous.


Infinitives, like gerunds, can be used to turn verbs into nouns by adding a preposition ‘to’ in front of the root verb.

For example:

  • Would you like to have something?
  • I like to dance in my free time.
  • I am going to talk to my friend.

Active Voice and Passive Voice

According to the position of the subject and object in a sentence, the voice of the verb can be determined. A sentence in which the subject does the action is called the active voice, and a sentence in which the indirect object or the direct object is switched to make it the subject is called the passive voice.

For example:

  • Active Voice – The doctor checked the patient.
  • Passive Voice – The patient was checked by the doctor.

Conjugating Verbs in the English Language – Tense Forms

Verbs can be conjugated to denote the tense you need. There are four tense forms, namely the simple tense, the continuous tense, the perfect tense and the perfect continuous tense. These tense forms are used to represent three time periods such as the present, past and future, thereby forming twelve main tense forms in total.

Friday, August 16, 2024

History of Novel


1 How activities will come, on section 4.1 History of Novel:
1.1 A.1. choose the correct alternative and rewrite the sentence:
1.2 A.2 Pick out the odd element from the following:
1.3 A.3 Identifies whether the following statements are true or false.
1.4 A. 4 Fill in the blanks
1.5 A.5 Match the pairs:
1.6 Related
How activities will come, on section 4.1 History of Novel:
It’s more important to learn about how activities (Question& answers) will come to solve in section 4.1 History of Novel. On 4.1 History of Novel the activities will be as follows:

1. Activities on History of Novel – 2 marks

2. Activities on History of Novel – 2 marks

(Activities should be framed on MCQ/ Match the column/ Chronological order/ Fill in the blanks/True false/ Elements of Novel OR any other novel activities
(Activities should not be repeated in sub-questions)


A.1. choose the correct alternative and rewrite the sentence:

The eighteenth century has gifted English literature with two entirely new forms………
a)Drama and poetry, b) novel and drama, c) The periodical essay and Novel, d) poetry  and the periodical essay

Ans. c) The periodical essay and Novel

The present English ward Novel is derived from…..
a) Spanish, b) Irish, c) French, d) Italian 

Ans. D) Italian

The novel makes life easier to understand than in……
a) Poetry, b) drama, c) both poetry and drama, d) one-act play

Ans.c) both poetry and drama 

The novel as a literary genre has a history of about ………
a) One thousand years, b) Two thousand years, c) Three thousand years, d) Four thousand years

Ans.b) Two thousand years

Murasaki Shikibu’s ‘Tale of Genji’ has been described as ………
a) The world’s first novel, b) The world’s second novel, c) The world’s third novel, d) The world’s fourth novel

Ans,b)The world’s first novel

The European novel is often said to begin with…………
a) Don Quixote, b) Tale of Genji, c) the Canterbury tales, d) Gulliver’s tales 

Ans. a) Don Quixote

The novel ‘Don Quixote’ was published in two parts between ………..
a) 1604 and 1610, b) 1605 and 1615, c) 1605 and 1610, d) 1608 and 1615

Ans. b) 1605 and 1615

In the 18th century, a large number of readers from the middle class were attracted in the appearance of………..
a) Drama and Poetry, b) Poetry and Magazines, c) Newspaper and Magazines, d) Newspaper and Drama 

Ans. c) Newspaper and Magazines

The eighteenth century has gifted English literature with two entirely new forms………
a)Drama and poetry, b) novel and drama, c) The periodical essay and Novel, d) poetry   and the periodical essay

Ans. c) The periodical essay and Novel

The present English ward Novel is derived from…………
a) Spanish, b) Irish, c) French, d) Italian 

Ans. D) Italian

The novel makes life easier to understand than in………..
a) Poetry, b) drama, c) both poetry and drama, d) one-act play

Ans.c) both poetry and drama 

The novel as a literary genre has a history of about …………
a) One thousand years, b) Two thousand years, c) Three thousand years, d) Four thousand years

Ans.b) Two thousand years

Murasaki Shikibu’s ‘Tale of Genji’ has been described as ………….
a) The world’s first novel, b) The world’s second novel, c) The world’s third novel, d) The world’s fourth novel

Ans. b) The world’s first novel

The European novel is often said to begin with…………. 
a) Don Quixote, b) Tale of Genji, c) the Canterbury tales, d) Gulliver’s tales 

Ans. a) Don Quixote

The novel ‘Don Quixote’ was published in two parts between ………..
a) 1604 and 1610, b) 1605 and 1615, c) 1605 and 1610, d) 1608 and 1615

Ans. b) 1605 and 1615

In the 18th century, a large number of readers from the middle class were attracted in the appearance of………..
a) Drama and Poetry, b)Poetry and Magazines, c)Newspaper and Magazines, d) Newspaper and Drama 

Ans. c) Newspaper and Magazines

In the 18th century, the Novel as a form appears to have been designed for both to voice the aspirations of…………..
a)Middle and Lower class, b) upper and lower class, c) middle and upper class, d) only lower class

Ans. a) Middle and Lower class 

The two types of conflicts that the plot may have are…………
a)Internal and opposite, b) internal and external, c) external and outside, d) internal and behavior. 

Ans. b) internal and external

The plot may be…………..
a) Only Simple (one plot), b) only complex, c) simple(one plot) or complex, d) None of the these 

Ans. c) simple (one plot) or complex

A novel based on Science of the age ‘Frankenstein’ by………..
a) Ann Radcliffe, b) Mary Shelley, c) Jane Austen, d) Frances Burney

Ans. b) Mary Shelley

The novel of manners ‘Evelina’ by ………….
a) Ann Radcliffe, b) Mary Shelley, c) Jane Austen, d) Frances Burney

Ans. d) Frances Burney

The word ‘picaresque’ originated from………….
a) Spanish, b) French, c) Greek, d) English

Ans. a) Spanish

The word ‘epistolary’ derives from the…………
a) French, b) Latin, c) Italian, d) Spanish

Ans. b) Latin

A.2 Pick out the odd element from the following:
Arun joshi, Vikram Seth, Graham Green, Kiran Nagarkar
Ans. Graham Green

Place, Period, Theme, Climate, Lifestyle
Ans. Theme

Theme, Plot, Novella, Character
Ans. Novella 

Jane Austen, Mary Shelley, Anita Desai, Frances Burney
Ans. Anita Desai

Anita Desai, Arvind Adiga, Mary Shelley, Kiran Nargrkar
Ans. Mary Shelley

Mulkraj Anand, R.K. Narayan, Raja Rao, Kiran Deasi
Ans. Kiran Desai

E.M. Forster, Joseph Conrad, Virgil, Henry James 
Ans. Virgil

Novelists of the 18th century are Samuel Richardson, Henry Fielding, Lawrence Sterne, George Orwell
Ans. George Orwell

Salman Rushdie, V.S. Naipaul, Kazuo Ishiguro, William Golding
Ans. William Golding

Canterbury Tales, Ecologues, Rajamohan’s Wife, The Pilgrim’s Progress
Ans. Rajamohan’s Wife

A.3 Identifies whether the following statements are true or false.
‘Don Quixote’ has been described as the world’s novel.
Ans. False

‘Tale of Genji’ has been described as the world’s first novel.
Ans. True

The present English word is derived from the Spanish Language.

The present English word is derived from the Italian Language.

The novel Tale of Genji is written by Murasaki Shikibu.
Ans. True

The novel ‘Don Quixote’ is written by Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes.
Ans. True

In the 18th century, the appearance of newspapers and magazines attracted a large number of readers from the Upper Class.
Ans. False

In the 18th century, the appearance of newspapers and magazines attracted a large number of readers from the Middle Class.
Ans. True

There are six elements essential to the novel.
Ans. True

The plot may be only simple (one plot).
Ans. False

The plot may be simple (one plot) or complex.
Ans. True

The readers follow the actions of one main character throughout the novel, it is called the protagonist.
Ans. True

The opposite forces in the story are called ‘conflict’.
Ans. True

The word ‘picaresque’ originated from the Italian word.
Ans. False

The word ‘picaresque’ originated from the Spanish word ‘picaro’.
Ans. True

The word ‘epistolary derives from the Latin word ‘Epistola’.
Ans. True

A realistic novel is a fiction based on realism.
Ans. True 

The setting is the background in which the story takes place.
Ans. True

A. 4 Fill in the blanks
The eighteenth century has gifted two new from………. and …………
a) Drama and poetry, b) novel and drama, c) The periodical essay and Novel, d) poetry and the periodical essay

Ans. c) The periodical essay and Novel

The present English word is derived from…………. meaning………..
a) Spanish, beginning b) Irish, start c) French, middle d) Italian, new 

Ans. d) Italian, new

Murasaki Shikibu’s……………….. has been described as The world’s first novel.
a) ‘Tale of Genji’, b) Don Quixote, c) Seize The Day, d) The Heart of Darkness

Ans. a) ‘Tale of Genji’

The European novel is often said to begin with ……….. by Miguel de Cervantes
a) Don Quixote, b) Tale of Genji, c) the Canterbury tales, d) Gulliver’s tales 

Ans. a) Don Quixote

…………….novel is written by John Bunyan.
a) Tale of Genji, b) Oroonoku, c) The pilgrim’s Progress, d) Don Quixote

Ans. c) The pilgrim’s Progress

A famous satire …………… is written by Jonathan Swift.
a) Tale of Genji, b) Gulliver’s Travels, c) The pilgrim’s Progress, d) Don Quixote

Ans. b) Gulliver’s Travels

The novel of manners ………is written by Frances Burney.
a) Frankenstein, b) the Wuthering Heights, c) Evelina, d) Death of Venice

Ans. c) Evelina

………….. is the pioneer of the Stream of Consciousness technique in the English novel.
a) Virginia Woolf, b) Frances Burney, c) Marry Shelley, d) Joseph Conrad

Ans. a) Virginia Woolf

……………is the first Indian English novel written by Bakim Chandra Chattopadhyay.
a) Rajamohan’s Wife, b) The Guide, c) The pilgrim’s Progress, d) Don Quixote

Ans. a) Rajamohan’s Wife

…… essentially the story or the course of events that make up the theme. 
a) Setting, b) Plot, c) Conflict, d) Character

Ans. a) Setting

A.5 Match the pairs:
Match the pairs of writers with their work

Column ‘A’ Writers Column ‘B’ Writer’s Work
  1.Murasaki Shikibu a) Gulliver’s Travels
2.Miguel de Cervantes b) Oroonoku  
3.John Bunyan c) Tale of Genji
4.Aphra Behn d) Don Quixote
5.Daniel Defoe e) The pilgrim’s Progress
6.Jonathan Swift  f) Robinson Crusoe/Mall Flanders  
7.Samuel Richardson  g) Frankenstein
8.Frances Burney  h) the Wuthering Heights / Jane Eyre  
9.Marry Shelley  i) Pamela/Clarissa
10.Bronte Sisters Emily & Charlotte j) Evelina
11.Bakim Chandra Chattopadhyaya k) Billy Budd  
12.Joseph Conrad  l) The Turn of the Screw
13. Henry James  m) Rajmohan’s Wife  
 14. Herman Melville n) The Heart of Darkness
15. Thomas Mann o) Pearl
16. Saul Bellow  p) Death of Venice  
17. John Steinbeck  q) Seize The Day
Answers: 1 – b, 2 – d, 3 – e, 4 – b, 5 – f, 6 – a, 7- I, 8 – j, 9 – g, 10 – h, 11- m, 12- n, 13 – l, 14 -k, 15 – p, 16 – q, 17- o.