Thursday, March 2, 2023

College fest valedictory function emcee script

College fest valedictory function emcee script

Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone. I (Name) from (Department Name) department, take this opportunity to welcome each one of you to the valedictory function of (Fest name), a National level Technical and cultural fest. This is an immensely exciting evening for our institute. The actively growing participation of students from different colleges every year, affirms the relevance and meaningfulness of this celebration. The fest was a synergy of the youth creativity and talent quotient. It was a hustle bustle affair with gamut of events rolled to test talent and mental ability, logical thinking and creativity. All in all it was a fun filled event jelled with cerebral grilling and creative palette. I hope you enjoyed your two days at our campus.

Escorting the dignitaries:
Let me first acknowledge the presence of some of our eminent guests. It is indeed our pleasure to have amongst us, the chief guest of the valedictory function (Name); the president of the function (Name); Guests of honour (Name) and (Name), Trustee (Name) and (Name), Principal of (Name of the Institute) to grace this occasion. I now request (Name), Principal of (Name) to escort the dignitaries to the dais. Audience, please accompany their footsteps with a huge round of applause.
Thank you.

Prayer is an invocation of the heart, a calling forth of divine energies to be manifested in one's life. Time spent in prayer refreshes, renews and strengthens. I now call upon (Name) from (Department Name) to lead us into prayer.
Thank you.

Welcome Address:
A warm welcome is the first sign of hospitality. Words of welcome fill an occasion with warmth and makes one feel that he is meant to be there. I now request our beloved principal to deliver the welcome address.
Thank you.

Introduction of the dignitaries:
“When you are around enormously successful people you realize that their success isn’t an accident- it’s about hard work” quotes Ryan Tedder. I now call upon (Name) from (Department Name) to introduce the esteemed guests.
Thank you.

Floral welcome:
On behalf of (Name of the Institute), I consider it a privilege to welcome the Chief Guest of today’s valedictory function. (Brief Information about the Chief Guest). Sir, your presence is indeed a source of motivation. We look forward to your valedictory address today. I request (Name) to welcome (Name of the Chief Guest) with a bouquet of flowers.
Thank you.
We have (Name), President of the function, on the dais. (Brief Information about the President)__ I extend a warm welcome to you sir. I request (Name) to do a floral welcome.Thank you.
We have (Name), as a guest of honour. (Brief Information). I extend a warm welcome to (Name). I request our Principal to do a floral welcome.
Thank you.
We also have amongst us (Name). (Brief Information). A hearty welcome to you ma’am. We are indeed delighted to have you with us. I request (Name) from (Department Name) to florally welcome (Name).
Thank you.
I would also like to welcome (Name). (Brief Introduction). I request (Name) to offer a bouquet to (Name).
Thank you.
We also have on the dais our principal (Name), who is a source of inspiration for all of us. I request (Name), to welcome our principal (Name) with a bouquet of flowers. Thank you.

I hope (Name of the Fest) has added a few memories to your lives. We would like to know, how well have our efforts resonated to you, I request anyone among the participants to give us feedback on the fest.

Chief Guest speaks:
(Introduction of the Chief Guest). I now request the chief guest to deliver the most awaited speech.
Thank you.

Guest of honour speaks:
(Introduction of the Guest of Honour). Who else could have been a better and more appropriate person to address a youth group for the closing ceremony of a fest filled with energy and enthusiasm? I now request (Name) to address the gathering.
Thank you.

Prize distribution:
I compliment the organizers of (Name of the Fest) for the effort that they have put in, for the kind of events that they have organised and for the participants that they have drawn. With such wonderful participants awaiting the results of their performance in various events, the time is apt to redeem them from their curiosity. Without much ado I call upon (Name) to take over the prize distribution ceremony.
Thank you.

Presidential address:
Moving on, I now request the president of the function (Name) to deliver the presidential address.
Thank you.

As a token of gratitude and honour, I now request (Name) to present a memento to the chief guest (Name of the Chief Guest) and the guest of honour (Name of the Guest of Honour).
Thank you.

Vote of thanks:
Ralph Emerson believed that “The reward of a thing well done is having done it”. However we would be falling short of our duty if we do not recognize a thing well done and encourage it. May I now request (Name) from (Department Name) department to render the acknowledgements please?
Thank you.

We have now reached the end of the valedictory function. There is an end to everything. But we believe there is never an end but always a beginning. Everyone has talent. What’s rare is the courage to follow it. “If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original” quotes Ken Robinson. Congratulations to all who managed to win a prize in various events conducted during the fest and for the rest, better luck next year.
This is (Your name), your host for the day signing off. Until we meet again take care and have a wonderful year ahead.

 Thank you everyone

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