Monday, January 30, 2023

The Cop And The Anthem.*

( ii) You are the class representative and you have been asked by the Principal to conduct an *interview of a cop.* Frame 8-10 questions with the help of the following points,give introduction and conclusion.
* reason for joining the department
*special trainings
* developing the skill to identify and locate criminals
* dealing with criminals
*achievements and awards

 Interview Of A Cop.*

Good morning Sir,
 Welcome to our college.It's our privilege to have an audience with you.Shall I start ,Sir?
1)How did you begin your journey as a cop?
2)Why did you join this department?
 Why did you want to be a police?
3)Who motivated you for this ?
4) What qualification is required for becoming a police?
5)How were you selected for this post ?
6)What kind of trainings are given to the police?
7)How can you identify or locate the criminals?
8)Is there any specific skill needed for finding out the criminals?
9)How did you develop this skill?
10) I think it is a challenging job, what do you think?
11) What hardships did you face in your life?
12) Does your family support you?
13) How do you deal with the criminals?
14) Don't you find it difficult to tackle/handle the criminals?
15) Don't you think that this job increases mental stress?
16) How long does someone have to report the crime?
17) Tell me your reaction if someone offers you money( bribe) to ignore his/her crime?
18) How do the police help the community?
19) What are your responsibilities?
20) Did you get any award for your work?
21)Tell something about your achievements and awards.
22)To whom do you give credit of your big achievements?
23)Who is your idol?
24)Are you satisfied with your job?
25) What message would you give to the youngsters?

  Thank you very much Sir for spending your valuable time with us and for sharing your experiences with us.
Thank you so much.


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