Tuesday, July 26, 2016


He says that he has grown up physically to a certain height but he is still tiny against the life. In an accident happened while climbing up a mountain, his lower part of the legs was dead and that made him 2 cm small. Inglis was working in an rescue department and in a blizzard he was trapped inside the storm for 13 days where he lost his knee down portion (In very low temperature human body starts to rot, that is the reason why people wear warm clothes in colder atmosphere.)

Now the story comes 30 years ahead... He was the first handicapped person to reach MT. Everest and the second to climb MT. Cho Oyu. He used to wear 3/4th pants all day long and even during his climbs. He has great integrity of positive mentality in him. He should not take his disabilities as his bad luck.. he use to greet his luck by good attributes. He was appointed as a motivational guide later...

People used to ignore Inglis due to his disabilities but it use to inspire them when he used to talk about his journey towards being a mountaineer. Inglis was interested in Rugby but he played it at the worst level. Then he decided to find his thrill in Climbing. He took guidance from Bert, his teacher, and became a rescue mountaineer... He had a close call towards MT. Everest but he had to wait for 25 years due to his leg injury...

Lets get back to his past... he was stuck in the blizzard with his companion. They had five cookies and they spent a day on one cookie. This action saved them for five days. At lower temperature human calories burns spontaneously in a rapid way... the same was happening with Inglis and Philip on that day... he approx. loosed half of his weight. He says that the maximum anyone in his history could live long for 9 days in those conditions. All they left on almighty. They observed a chopper sound on the seventh day. That sound was ear pleasing.. They were provided food and other necessity and later they were rescued but the conditions got worst when he say his legs decaying due to the bacterium. .

The brave hearten Inglis yet again decided to get up on his passion but was unable. Later on, he decided to join academics.. he studied Biochemistry in humans, 10 year career in wine-making and by the time Mr. Inglis used to even go for skiing and cycling, and he has even won Silver Medal in Sydney 2000 Paralympic game which is organised for handicapped. He got tough day by day and learned with the circumstances. He again stood up for his passion in 2002 and from then he never looked back.. He targeted MT. Cook and then even reached to MT. Cho Oyu which is just 649 m short then that of Everest. It was hard for him for the time being but now he feels confident for climbing up at any peek. He used to be with the associates while climbing up the mountain and he had to be with them in terms of speed. It was really tough job to do so.. but the hard work paid him with interest.

Inglis has to climb in the same speed at that of his associates otherwise he would leave behind and may die. His companions used to wait at a place to make there feet warm again and the best part of Inglis legs were that he could replace it our manage it anywhere and start up his journey again. He takes 3 times longer from other to go for the next climb...  He has been considered as the motivational guide across the worlds considering his hard work and passion for his job. In his every speech he used terms relating to mountaineering. He begins with his snap of climbing Everest and expresses positiveness in his phrases by " I see is a man whose legs won’t be affected by frost-bitten feet again.’’

 He has boosted up himself with confidence and now he goes for hiking in Northern part ever year. He do not compress himself by highlighting his disabilities. His afore statements explains his positive attitude towards things... he means that he does not wants to fall down to up-pant, he wants people to low there eyes in front of him... He is an great example of Positivity.

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